Write For Us

lureblog.com-write for us

Are you looking for a blog to publish your guest post? We are looking for great blog content to improve our blog. Also, at lureblog.com, our editorial and writing team works hard to bring valuable and valuable content to their readers. We would love to expand our guest writer offers if you have content on our blogs that can add value to our content. What could be better if you could change a life by sharing knowledge with a bit of work.

How to submit your article/publishing process

The publishing process is simple. Send your article to our editor at contact@lureblog.com, and they will get back to you with more details.

Categories We Recognize:Lureblog – Write For Us

  • Welfare & Weightloss
  • Promotions
  • Nutrition/Diet
  • Copywriting tips
  • Conversion Optimization
  • AdWords
  • Ad campaigns
  • Content Marketing
  • Competitive Analysis/Competition
  • Co-creation and Corporate identity
  • Campaign creation
  • Brand management
  • Brand licensing
  • Brand ambassador
  • Blogging
  • B2C Marketing
  • Attribution Annoyance factor
  • Affinity marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing

Guest Posting Guidelines

Consider original, unique and relevant content. So if you have published this article elsewhere, please submit it. We review Copyscape and Google before posting.

  • Contributions must be between 700 and 2,000 words.
  • Images must have an original license. (Please do not infringe any copyright)
  • Articles should be organized and easy to read.
  • We like the lists, tutorials, and tips for small businesses.
  • Finally, all post links should point to quality, relevant websites.
  • Ideally, one link per 300 words, with a maximum of 2-3 links, including the author’s link.

We are selective with the editorials we publish. Also, your content should be well-written, interesting, unique, and informative.

How to submit your guest post?

To submit your contributions as a guest, email us at contact@lureblog.com