Table of Contents
What is Thick Light Skin?
This thick light skin fur is from the palm of a rat’s hand. The epidermis, formed by a keratinized flat stratified epithelium, has a thick layer of keratin that constitutes the stratum cornea. The layers of the epidermis (see image) are distinguishable. Its thickening is caused by friction and mechanical pressure and can vary depending on the conditions so that if the tensions disappear, the epidermis becomes thinner. The epidermal ridges and dermal papillae are observed on the border between the epidermis and dermal papillae, much more market than in delicate skin. This type of skin lacks hair follicles and, therefore, sebaceous glands
Structure of Thick Light Skin
The skin, a constantly changing dynamic organ, comprises three main layers: epidermis, dermis and subcutis or subcutaneous tissue, each containing several sub-layers. Skin appendages, such as sebaceous and sweat glands and follicles, also play various roles in its overall function.
The epidermis, the outermost layer that we see and touch, protects us against toxins, bacteria, and fluid loss. And also, It consists of 5 sub-layers of cells called keratinocytes. These cells produce in the innermost basal layer, migrate to the skin’s surface, maturing and undergoing a series of changes. This process, known as keratinization (or cornification), makes each sub-layer different.
The basal layer (or stratum basalts) is the innermost layer, where the keratinocytes produce.
Spinouts layer (or stratum spinout): Keratinocytes produce keratin (protein fibres) and become spindle-shaped.
Granular layer (stratum granuloma): Keratinization begins: cells produce hard granules, and as these push up, they change to keratin and epidermal lipids.
Transparent layer (stratum lucid): Cells densely compress, flatten, and are indistinguishable from each other.
The Function of the Thick Light Skin
Skin is essential to our global health and well-being. Healthy skin acts as a barrier between the outside world and the inside of the body and is our first and define against:
Old, heat, water loss, and radiation: As the outermost layer of the skin, the stratum cornea plays a crucial role in defending the body from the environment and limiting the amount of water lost by the epidermis.
Pressure blows and abrasion: It should note again that the epidermis forms the first layer of defence. And also, The fat cells of the subcutis provide padding that acts as a shock absorber, protecting the underlying muscle tissue and fascia (the fibrous tissue surrounding the muscles).
Chemical substances: The ability to act as a buffer for the hydrolipidic film and the protective acid mantle helps protect the body against alkaline chemical products. Read more on factors that influence the skin.
Bacteria and viruses: The horny layer of the epidermis and its acid mantle form a protective barrier against bacteria and fungi. Anything past this first line of defence activates the skin’s immune system.
What happens when the Skin is Damaged?
Healthy, problem-free skin is uniform in colour, smooth in texture, well-hydrated, and adequately responsive to touch, pressure, and temperature. When the skin’s natural barrier is altered, its protective function and healthy appearance are compromised:
It loses moisture and elasticity and can look and feel dry, rough, crack, or saggy.
Horny layer (or layer cornea): It is the outermost layer of the epidermis and comprises, on average, about 20 sub-layers of the dead, flatten cells, depending on the part of the body that covers the skin. These dead cells regularly she in a process known as desquamation. And also, The stratum cornea is also the seat of the sweat glands’ pores and the sebaceous glands’ openings.
This film, maintain by secretions from the sweat and sebaceous glands, helps keep the skin supple and acts as an additional barrier against bacteria and fungi.
The aqueous part of this film, known as the protective acid mantle, contains:
- Lactic acid and various amino acids from sweat.
- Free fatty acids from sebum.
Amino acids, pyrimidine carboxylic acid, and other natural moisturizing factors (NMFs) are predominantly by-products of the keratinization process.
This Protective Acid Mantle gives Healthy Skin
So that microorganisms relate to the skin (saprophytic skin flora) live and harmful microorganisms destroy.
- For the formation of epidermal lipids.
- For the enzymes that drive the desquamation process.
- So that the stratum cornea can repair its damage.
What is Skin?
On most parts of the body, the epidermis is only about 0.1mm thick overall, although it is thinner on the skin around the eyes (0.05mm) and considerably wider (1-5mm). On the soles of the feet. And also, To learn more, read about understanding skin on different parts of the body and how male skin differs from female skin
The main structural components of the dermis are collagen and elastin, connective tissues that impart strength and flexibility and are the vital components of healthy, youthful-looking skin. And also, These fibres impregnate with a gel-like substance (containing hyaluronic acid), which has a great capacity to retain water and help maintain the volume of the skin.
Lifestyle and External of Thick Skin
Lifestyle and external factors such as the sun and temperature changes affect the levels of collagen and elastin and the structure of the surrounding substance. As we age, our natural production of collagen and elastin declines, and cosmetics and the skin’s ability to bind water decrease. And also, The skin takes on a less tone appearance, and wrinkles appear. Read more on factors that influence the skin, how the sun affects the skin, and skin ageing.
Natures of Thick Skin
Its thick and firm texture helps cushion external shocks, and when damage occurs, it contains connective tissues such as fibroblasts and mast cells that heal wounds.
It is rich in blood vessels that nourish the epidermis while removing waste.
Sebaceous glands (which release sebum or oil on the skin’s surface) and sweat glands (which release water facial and lactic acid on the skin’s surface) are locates in the dermis. These liquids combine to form the hydro-lipid film.
The dermis also houses:
- Lymphatic vessels.
- Sensory receptors.
Hair Roots:
The bulbous end of the hair shaft, where the hair grows.
Sub cutis (or hypodermis)
The subcutis is a cushion and insulation for the body and contains fat cells, collagen fibres, and blood vessels.
The innermost layer of the skin stores energy while serving as a cushion and insulator for the body. And also, It is mainly composed of:
Fat cells (adipocytes):
Aggregated together in pillow-like groups.
Special collagen fibres (called tissue septa or boundaries) are the loose, spongy connective tissue that holds fat cells together.
Blood vessels.
The number of fat cells in the subcutis differs in different body parts. On the other hand, the distribution of fat cells also differs between men and women. As does the structure of other parts of the skin.
Thick, Light Skin, Healthy, problem-free skin is uniform in colour, smooth in texture, well-hydrated, and adequately responsive to touch, pressure, and temperature. When the skin’s natural barrier is altered. And also, its protective function and healthy appearance are compromised. And also, It becomes increasingly sensitive to external influences (such as the sun and changes in temperature) and is especially prone to infection.