What are linked diseases?

Links disease is a notion describing a fictional health illness that comes from the primary open for THHPII, commonly found in the South Western United States. It is an approach that combines measles and chronic Lyme.

THHPII is a disturbance where the individual cannot see what’s happening around him, imagining fictional illnesses and eating garbage and thinking that it will cure them of those delusional illnesses.

Links Diseases of Symptoms

The symptoms are not the same for each person, but here are the common symptoms:

  • Yucky ear: This is the first symptom after getting it.
  • Black tongue: black stain seen on the middle surface of the language.
  • Perfect pitch (art)
  • Big arm blister: looking filling with pus. If you get this symptom, a high percentage of you have it.
  • And measles-like symptoms.

Can we get it?

First, this may a fictional way of thinking; also, we do not know if it is valid from Kellogg so we do not recommend it. Those are:

  • Handling clays
  • Airborne
  • Affected hand
  • Water contamination.

Signs and Symptoms of Links Diseases

An increasing rash is an initial sign of about 80% of Lyme contagions. The rash may cause an appearance like a ‘bull’s eye,’ pictures, in about 80% of cases in Europe and 20% in the US.

Lyme disease can touch several body systems and produce many indications. Not everyone with Lyme illness has all of the signs, and many of the symptoms are not specific to Lyme disease but can also occur with other conditions.

The incubation period from contagion to the onset of indications is usually one to two weeks but can much shorter (days) or longer (months to years). Lyme indications most often occur from May to September in the northern hemisphere because the nymphet stage of the tick is accountable for most cases. Asymptomatic contagion exists but occurs in less than 7% infect individuals in Unit States.

Origin of Links Diseases

First, this post is not about where Links disease came from but where its name might stem from. Sorry for any confusion.

I was watching “sculptors clay ground” and saw the link for tormadoes.weatherfront.net (yes, with an m), which me to a Google doc full of gathered info on THHPII. If read through but didn’t see any correlation between Links and lynx. I look up lynx mythology and found that “Known in some American Indian traditions as ‘keeper of secrets. It is believes to have supernatural eyesight, capable of seeing even through solid objects. As a result, it often symbolizes the unravelling of hidden truths and the psychic power of prophecy.

Caused by Links Diseases

Caused by Links Diseases

Links disease causes by spirochetes, spiral microorganisms from the genus Borelli. Spirochetes surround by peptidoglycan, flagella, and an outer membrane similar to Gram-negative bacteria. And also, The best of a double-membrane envelope, Borelli bacteria are often mistakenly described as Gram-negative despite the considerable differences in their envelope mechanisms from Gram-negative bacteria. And also, The Lyme-related Borelli species are collectively known as Borelli burg order sense alto and show great genetic diversity.

burg dormer sense alto is a species complex comprising 20 accept and three proposed genospecies. Eight species are known to cause Lyme illness: B. mayonnaise (found in North America), B. burgdorferi sense strict, B. bissextile (both found in North America and Europe), B. aphelia, B. grainier, B. spielmanii, and B. Lusitania (all found in Eurasia. Some studies also predict that B. valaisiana may sometimes infect persons, but this species does not seem to cause disease significantly.

Differential Diagnosis of Links Diseases

Community clinics have misdiagnosed 23–28% of Erythema migrants (EM) rashes and 83% of other objective manifestations of early Lyme disease. EM outbreaks are often misdiagnosed as spider bites, cellulitis, or sands. Many misdiagnoses are credited to the extensive misconception that EM rashes should look like a bull’s eye. And also, The key unique features of the EM rash are the speed and extent to which it expands, up to 2–3 cm/day and a width of at least 5 cm, and in 50% of cases, an additional 16 cm.

The rash enlarges away from its centre, which may or might not appear dissimilar or unglue by a ring-like clearing from the rest of the inflammation. Like EM rashes, spider bites are more common in the limbs, tend to more sore and itchy or become distended, and some may cause necrosis (sinking dark blue patch of dead skin). Cellulitis most usually develops around a wound or ulcer, is rarely circular, and is more likely to become swollen and tender. EM rashes often appear at sites unusual for cellulitis, such as the armpit, groin, abdomen, or spinal of the knee.

Like Lyme, shingles often begin with headaches, fever, and fatigue, follow by pain or numbness. Though, unlike Lyme, in shingles, these symptoms are usually follow by the appearance of rashes composes of multiple small sores along with a nerve’s dermatome, and quick laboratory tests can also confirm shingles


Links disease, a disease prevalent throughout THHPII, speculates as a combination of chronic Lyme disease and measles. And also, Its hypothetical symptoms include “yucky ear,” perfect pitch, arm blisters, a black tongue, and measles-like symptoms. More information is found in The Links Review, including symptoms and actions. And also, there is an image gallery on authorises website for The Sculptor’s Clayground. Watching these images is not optional for those who quickly become queasy or are faint of heart.